The Holistic Technology Salon - ongoing

The Holistic Technology Salon, an artists collective led by Annika Kappner, Ginevra Petrozzi and Sieta van Horck (V2_), is an invitation to co-create alternative futures through multidimensional conversations. Different types of knowledge are used – rooted in corporeal and mystical practices – to weave new, holistic ways of being with technology, exploring how to integrate eco- and carecentric perspectives into our relationship with contemporary and future technologies through direct experience.

Holistic Technology Salon II

The second session of The Holistic Technology Salon focused on LETTING GO with Technology and the idea of loss in the digital realm. How do we experience the loss of our Data and the mortality of our devices? I hosted this session together with curator, editor, and fellow mortuary rituals enthusiast Cecilia Casabona.

On the New Moon of the 15th of September, V_2 transformed into a temporary shrine for Data loss, allowing us to perform a very specific grief: the one we experience for our technologies.

Projected onto the screen were the testimonies of users and people of the last time they experienced grief in the digital realm. The archive of these confessions is growing, fed by the forum Quora under the hashtags #grief #Data; and by visitors.

We invited the visitors to leave a (dead) flower as an offering for the collective Data mourning, to type their own experiences, feelings, and pieces of advice into the screen, and add them to this ongoing archive of Data loss.

The Holistic Technology Salon is created and nourished in co-production with V2_.

Lab for the Unstable Media and is hosted by Annika Kappner, Ginevra Petrozzi, and Sieta van Horck (V2_).  

Holistic Technology Salon x  Operator Radio
Conversations, meditations and explorations about our relationship with contemporary and future technologies through a eco- and carecentric perspective.

Click here to listen to the first episode.